Welcome to my webpage! 👋

Hey there, my name is Sharabhoj Iyengar, and I am a software developer with a background in robotics and mechanical design. I am passionate about the wide world of computing, from web development to embedded systems. Through team, project, and educational experience, I have a wide variety of skills including CAD, digital design, and app development.

I am always seeking to learn about new technologies and frameworks, and my current area of interest is in FPGAs. Other interests of mine include world history, linguistics, music, and Formula 1. I am currently working on a few projects that I am excited to share with you. Stay tuned!


Programming Languages

Python Logo Java Logo C Logo C# Logo JavaScript Logo HTML5 Logo CSS Logo

Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools

Git Logo Docker Logo Android Studio Logo Unity Logo VSCode Logo Neovim Logo Linux Logo


Raspberry Pi Logo Arduino Logo

Latest Blog Posts

February 3, 2025 4 min read
Game Development nand2tetris Jack Programming Language

Building a Snake Game in Jack: Working With a Minimalist OOP Language

Today, I want to share my experience developing a classic Snake game using Jack, a simple object-oriented programming language designed for educational purposes. This journey taught me valuable lessons about both game development and the constraints of working with a minimalist programming language...

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